FROGS: Fully Rely On God
Today is Saturday, and the really sweet group from Atlanta,
Georgia left to go back home this morning. I’m sad to see them leave… they kind
of took me under their wing and included me in their school and construction
projects, trip to the beach and in all of their devotionals! It’s kind of slow
around here without them so I figured I’d update everyone on my time in Haiti
so far.
One of my most favorite days was Thursday because we went to
Repatriote to work in the classrooms and then officially “open up” the
playground for the students. Many of you know that I have been sponsoring a
little five-year-old boy named Roody Jean Baptiste. I have met him once before
and was excited to see him again. Ironically, his was the first classroom that
we went in to do the caterpillar craft. Obviously, he didn’t remember me, but
it was so fun to see him actually in his classroom working on all of his
projects. I got to play with him a little and then we took his class outside
for the playground opening. This is when the real excitement started! The kids,
many of whom have never seen a playground before, were at first confused and a
little overwhelmed. We started to show them how to use the slide, the
merry-go-round and the swings and their faces lit up. They started running
around like crazy playing on the playground; even some of the moms came and we
pushed them on the swings as well. Although the equipment was so simple and
nothing in comparison to our large, over the top playgrounds at home, the kids
loved it! Too often we take for granted all of the things that we have, and I
was reminded that I need to start celebrating the little things and
appreciating all of the gifts God has given me. Such a neat experience to share with these
church and school families.
Yesterday I went with the group from Atlanta to the beach
and celebrated their last day in Haiti. It was a fun and relaxing way to end
their trip! Once we returned to HOM, we had dinner and then were able to walk
around the neighborhood and meet some of the translators that work for HOM. I
was so impressed and encouraged by their dedication and commitment to
furthering their education and making the best out of their situation. One of
the guys I met spoke 7 languages and went to Montana to study for a year and
plans to go back to attend college in August. Another translator known as PG,
who is 22, goes to school, works as a translator and supports his family of 8.
They are oh so humble and do not like the recognition, but I am in awe of their
work ethic, commitment to their family and complete trust in the Lord. I must
admit, it would be awfully hard for me to keep a smile on my face living in
some of these conditions with no end in sight. But, just as most Haitians I’ve
encountered do so well, they joyfully give thanks for what they have been given
and graciously welcome us into their homes and their lives.
This morning I went to a FROG’s Children’s Ministry Seminar.
For those of you who don’t know what FROG means (which I didn’t until about 9
am this morning), it is an acronym that stands for “Fully Rely on God.” This
was an optional seminar for the people who teach Sunday school for the youth at
HOM. It was put on by 4 volunteers from the United States. I wasn’t sure how
many people would sacrifice there Saturday morning, but was pleasantly surprised
when nearly 50 people showed up and we had to keep adding more benches and
tables. These Sunday school teachers range in age from about 17 to 35. Many of
them work other jobs, go to school and support their family. It was interesting
to hear the conversations because so much of it applied to what I teach at home
and many of our ideas and beliefs were very similar. They stayed for almost 5
hours in a hot, crowded room but were so engaged the entire time. Again,
conditions I would not tolerate as patiently as they did, but I am working on
Wahoo Bay Beach with my favorite group from Atlanta, GA!

Singing and dancing with the kids at Repatriote!

What a stud... Roody Jean Baptiste!

Merry-go-round and swings for the first time

Love to all of my friends and family back home!! Thank you as always for your prayers and support!
Sounds like you are totaly enjoying and getting alot out of this trip already. What a cute little boy and such a radiant smile. Keep up the great work. :)